PALFINGER Netherlands goes Pongau

28. September 2023
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In summer we had the honor to welcome PALFINGER Netherlands and all their sub dealers in Elsbethen. Through our Area Sales Manager Anton Lipp, a truck with the new GENERATION 3 TZ15 and the brand new COMFORT DRIVE lateral topseat was organized within a very short time. The Entacher sawmill in Großarl served as the event location, which not only offered generous space, but also provided wood.

A bus brought the 30 guests together in the middle of a breathtaking mountain landscape. Benches were set up for our guests and coffee and cake were served. The sun was shining with our new GENERATION 3 models and the Dutch visitors, while the picturesque mountain backdrop rounded off the scenery.

Word of this spontaneous event spread quickly through the valley and attracted numerous operators from the area. Many of them had the opportunity to test an EPSILON product for the first time, and right away with our new product highlight of the new GENERATION 3.

Following the event, Hotel Moar Gut provided the cinema where we held a company presentation with the support of our sales colleague Daniela Kaiser. After a refreshing break with some drinks, our guests went up the mountain to admire the breathtaking beauty of Austria from above.

Our customers were enthusiastic about Salzburg and our EPSILON Spirit and thanked us for the great organization. One customer summed it up particularly when he said to ASM Anton: "A product developed by such a team and taken from Elsbethen to the world is the best thing that can happen to a dealer and end customer." These words reflect the commitment to innovation and collaboration and remind us of the strength of our team and our partnerships.

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